Thursday, February 27, 2014

Donations in KIND

Kids in Need of Dentistry (KIND) is one of the many organizations that Certol® International supports through product donations. Founded in 1912, KIND is one of the oldest dental charities in the country. The aim of KIND is to provide affordable quality dental care to children of low-income families in Colorado. No child is ever turned away due to the inability to pay at the KIND clinic. It is because of this philosophy and dedication to the cause that they have been recognized with prestigious honors from the American Dental Association.

On February 18, 2014 Certol made a generous donation of vinyl gloves and disposable instrument trays to the clinic. Both products will help the KIND workers prevent cross contamination and aid in safe dental hygiene practices at the clinic. Certol is looking forward to supporting this great organization throughout 2014 and the years to come!

Interested in learning more about Kids in Need of Dentistry or Certol International? Click the links below to be redirected:

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