Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Lending a Helping Hand

Committed to the greater good, Certol continues to provide products to causes we believe help to make the world a better place. Recent contributions of note include:

Matthew 25 Ministries is an organization that collaborates with hospitals, corporations, businesses and individuals to donate humanitarian supplies to impoverished countries. Matthew 25 Ministries provides their charitable relief efforts throughout Central and South America, Africa, the Caribbean, the Balkans and to the needy in the United States. You can read more about their mission and organization at www.m25m.org.

In addition, Certol recently donated to the Triangle Residential Options for Substance Abusers. “TROSA” was founded in 1994 and focuses on a residential training program that enables those recovering from substance abuse to lead productive lives by providing comprehensive treatment, education and continuing care. If you would like more information on TROSA, please visit www.trosainc.org.

We encourage you to visit the websites of the organizations above and to donate your time and/or resources as well!

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